
Thursday, January 23, 2014


Yup, that's right!! After trying to get pregnant for almost one year we finally conceived and are going to be parents in May 2014! We seriously couldn't be any more excited. 

Steve was out of town on business in Pennsylvania when I found out, but I couldn't wait to tell him when he got home a few days later so I called him at 4am in the morning our time (7 in PA) and asked him if he was gonna be by his phone for a while cause I wanted to send him a picture. 

Once he said he'd be at the hotel for another 30 minutes or so, I sent him a picture of 3 of the 4 at home pregnancy tests I took with 2 little positive lines. I think at first he didn't know what to think, since we'd been waiting so long to see those lines! It was the best way to start my day out and was so hard to keep the news a secret! After confirming pregnancy with my general practitioner we started thinking of ways to tell our parents the good news. My mom was kind of expecting it, but Steve's parents had no idea. 

We ended up telling our parents by putting the above picture in a frame and handing it to them. My mom immediately responded "I already knew! I could tell when I saw you last week and your chin was broken out!" (I normally don't have acne, and apparently it was something my mom got during her pregnancy as well!) Everyone was super excited, and we couldn't wait to keep telling everyone we knew.

We waited a while longer to announce to everyone, until a couple weeks after our first ultrasound on October 10th. We got to see the little embryo, confirmed conception date and saw the little heartbeat on the screen. It was the best feeling in the entire world!  We told most people in our family by sending them a picture of the ultrasound. It was great to share the news fnally!!

I posted this on facebook to announce, it was hilarious to see how many people missed the point thinking we were just doing another home renovation project, lol!

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